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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Election Post I Have to Write

Jon Acuff over at the Stuff Christians Like blog has written about the “law that says all Christian bloggers have to write one of the following two posts the day after an election: "

1. If your candidate lost, you have to write:
God is sovereign and will provide. He is still in control. Everything is going to be all right.

2. If your candidate won, you have to write:
God is good and has provided. He is still in control. Everything is going to be all right.

So I am writing this obligatory post now – as my family is watching the election results coming in.  My 13 year old daughter has an assignment for class to report on the results and my 11 year old son has taken a bit of an interest in the election process this year.  He watched some of the debates with me.  We've had several question and answer dialogues in our family this year.  It has been important in our house to talk about these things.

I have shared with my friends on the facebook and via this blog my qualified endorsement of President Barack Obama (but I never discussed it from the pulpit of my church... never.)  I cast my vote for President Barack Obama and I am fairly confident that by the end of this evening we will be hailing him as our next president.

I say that I have a qualified endorsement of President Barack Obama – and this is my qualification.  I cannot endorse our continued use of armed drones to hunt down individuals – even those declared to be “terrorists.”  I realize that the drones obviate the need to send human resources into conflict zones and reduce the number of American casualties.  But the drones are increasingly being used in countries that have not attacked the United States and are not actually in a state of war with the United States.  These remotely controlled attack vehicles make war too easy – too convenient.  The area of violence grows and the danger increases.   Our enemies become faceless and dehumanized.  I cannot and will not support Obama (or any president) in any expansion of our military conflicts. 

If (when) President Barack Obama wins the 2012 election I will thank God and pray for him; that he will continue to be a good leader for our country following in the example of Psalm 72’s Ideal King.   I will continue to support him in his leadership, while at the same time continue to challenge him to live up to the ideals valued in the Peace Prize that he has been awarded. 


If Governor Mitt Romney should win the election I will thank God and pray for him; that he will be a good leader for our country.  I will pray that my fear that Romney will not be concerned for the poor will be unfounded.  I will pray that my concern that Romney will lead us into further and expanded conflict around the world will be baseless.  I will pray that my doubt about his leadership will be proven to be without any founding and that he will, indeed, be the leader that we need at this time.

The world will not end if Romney wins.  The sky will not fall if Obama wins.  We will continue to live and work for the good of this country.

I will also pray for those in the Senate and the House of Representatives – that they will put aside the animosity and bickering.  I will pray that they too will work for the good of the country rather than working only to obstruct the plans and programs of the President (whoever wins). 

God is good.  I trust in him.  And everything will be all right.

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