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Monday, April 5, 2010

This is Dianetics

Hey. Remember that time when I had surgery and I was unconscious because of the anesthetics and the Doctor called the nurse a “stupid twit” but my ‘reactive mind’ heard it and how ever since then I’ve acted like a stupid twit? Remember that?


Remember when I was really young – this was two or three weeks after my conception, and my mom was at the grocery store and someone bumped into her with a grocery cart and they said to her “you’re in my way” and I felt the bump and I thought they were talking to me and so now I hide in my room all the time so I won’t be in anyone’s way.

No? Why are you snickering? This is serious stuff.
This is Dianetics.

According to L. (Lafayette) Ron Hubbard, creator of Dianetics, we all have what he termed a ‘reactive mind.’ This ‘reactive mind’ is recording every moment of our lives, every experience, everything we see, hear, smell, taste, touch, think and or imagine. Everything.

We also have what he called an ‘analytical mind’ which is our thinking, reasoning, deciding mind. And this mind is perfect. It never makes a mistake. Never has a fault. According to Dianetics our perfectly operating ‘analytical mind’ is blocked up by ‘Engrams’ created by the ‘reactive mind’.

Engrams are the impressions of painful events when we were either unconscious or not yet aware – like my surgery or prenatal experiences. In fact, Hubbard says that most of our engrams come from the trauma we endured in the womb.

And these engrams are responsible for everything: arthritis, bursitis, asthma, allergies, sinusitis, coronary trouble, high blood pressure, cancer, poor vision, hearing loss, even depression, schizophrenia, and various kinds of cancer… And what is more, these engrams are responsible for our poor behavior as well. Are you timid – Engram! Are you addicted to pornography – Engram! Are you angry – Engram! Are you an alcoholic- Engram! Are you a murderer – Engram!

It’s not about what you do. No, no, no. In Dianetics, it’s about what happened to you to cause all of these Engrams that make you the way you are.

There is no judgment in Dianetics. There is no fault or sin or moral depravity. In Dianetics there are only engrams. And those aren’t your fault. You got your reactive mind all filled up with engrams because mommy and daddy had sex while you were in the womb, because mommy was constipated while she was pregnant with you, because she used a douche while you were in the womb.

Your reactive mind is filled with engrams because daddy yelled at mommy while you were in the womb, because daddy hit mommy, because daddy threw mommy down the stairs, and tried to give her an abortion by punching her in the stomach…..

Seriously. 90% of Hubbard’s anecdotal illustrations are of spousal abuse or attempted abortions. This, I think, says something rather striking about Hubbard’s own mind.
But praise Xenu there is a cure.

Your troublesome engrams can be “cleared” from your reactive mind. With the help of a patient ‘auditor’ you can become a “clear” and never again have to worry about engrams causing you to make bad choices or to suffer a migraine.

More later.

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